Many people are facing this issue. Do you have wrinkles around your mouth? There is a way to reduce them without having to undergo expensive invasive plastic treatments.
Get rid of wrinkles around the lips forever with our suggestion.
Age leaves its mark on all of us, that’s for sure, no one is spared from it. This is how wrinkles form on the face as we age; perhaps the most noticeable ones are formed around the lips.
To make matters worse, women are the ones who have a greater chance of getting wrinkles in this area of the face due to the structure of the skin, which is different compared to men.
Although there is still no way to completely remove wrinkles, unless you want a plastic surgeon to work on your face, there are various ways to reduce and even prevent wrinkles around the lips in the warmth of your own home and with little investment.
We will reveal the tricks on how to get rid of wrinkles around the lips, read on.
How are wrinkles around the mouth formed?
Like everything else, wrinkles around the lips are caused by the ageing process. The skin loses collagen, and the ligaments around the lips and chin, which serve to control the movements of that part of the face, relax.
In this way, the fatty tissue under the ligaments’ control accumulates and begins to hang, to put it simply. The laws of physics are simple, and gravity is stronger than our will to keep the face the same even without the aforementioned ligaments.
Thus, the falling tissue drags the skin with it, which along the way stretches, overlaps and creates wrinkles. In other words, the tone of the face decreases.
Types of wrinkles around the lips
In this part of the face, surgeons identify the following types of wrinkles:
Nasolabial wrinkles around the lips
Nasolabial wrinkles are also called smile lines because they appear exactly where the skin folds when you smile.
They go from the root of the nose to the corners of the lips. They are often the result of losing cheek volume.
Marionette wrinkles around the mouth
Marionette wrinkles are formed from the corners of the lips to the lower part of the cheeks, i.e. the chin, and are created primarily due to the influence of gravity, which we talked about earlier.
They got their name from the specific movement that marionettes make when speaking to them.
However, although this is a fairly natural process, some people have fewer lines around their lips than others. Why is that so?
There are many answers, and they can be hidden in genetics, lifestyle habits, diet, vices, exposure to the sun, drastic changes in weight, etc.
Partly the bad news is that genetics is crucial, so if you weren’t lucky enough to have a young family, you have a higher chance of wrinkles starting to appear around your lips earlier.
Nevertheless, although all dermatologists and plastic surgeons will agree that genetics play a key role, other factors can also have a huge influence on the appearance of wrinkles around the lips.
This is great, because then there is a way to, by correcting habits, at least partially slow down ageing and the appearance of wrinkles.
How to reduce wrinkles around the lips?
Lines around your lips don’t have to mean you should stop smiling. On the contrary. Laughter is good exercise for your face because it exercises the facial muscles and makes them stronger.
Many women talk about their experience with wrinkles and advise how to get rid of them in a short time. So, why not try our suggestion and trick?
However, excessive facial expressions can also cause these wrinkles to appear, so try to relax your face from time to time.
When you’re at home and you’re not doing anything that requires you to react with facial expressions, and especially when you’re spending time alone, try to consciously remind yourself to relax your facial muscles.
Many people frown or make some strange facial expressions unconsciously, and if your face is in such a position for a long time, it can accelerate the formation of so-called facial wrinkles.
But wrinkles due to facial movements occur when you keep repeating the same grimaces. In some cases, moving the facial muscles is a kind of exercise that can rid you of wrinkles.
Top tips for preventing wrinkles around the lips
The best way to beat lip wrinkles is to prevent them. Prevention has always been worth its weight in gold, so start on time.
First, take care of your lifestyle. Even the smallest changes can have a positive effect on your entire body, including nasolabial folds and other lines around the lips.
Don’t smoke anymore
To begin with, if you are a smoker, you should stop buying cigarettes. In addition to the fact that nicotine hurts your body, dries out the skin, and makes it age faster, the movements of inhaling smoke can contribute to the formation of wrinkles around the lips.
By the same logic, and if you have the habit of drinking juices and cocktails with a straw, the same fate may befall you. So try to avoid putting your face in that position.
Apart from these, chewing gum should also be avoided because it involves repeating movements that can harm the tone of the face, as well as sleeping on one side of the face.
Make less sunbathing
Apart from cigarettes, the sun can also be your enemy, so run for a cream with a protective factor.
Although women often forget about the face when applying sunscreen, it is the first thing they must protect. The sun’s UV rays age the skin and accelerate the formation of all wrinkles, not only those around the lips.
Proper facial hygiene
When washing your face, it is recommended to avoid hot water, because high temperature can dry out the skin and damage its natural protective barriers. Try a simple 10-minute routine of immersion of the face in cool water every morning.
Use lukewarm water to preserve the skin’s natural oils. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles. Second, choosing mild, non-abrasive cleansers instead of harsh soaps helps maintain the skin’s pH balance and prevents skin irritation and dryness.
Sleep on your back
Sleeping on your back reduces the pressure on the facial skin during the night, which reduces the risk of wrinkles.
This sleeping position allows a more even distribution of face weight and prevents the formation of pillow lines.
Eat healthy
The best thing you can do for your skin is to take care of your diet and eat healthily.
Focus on vegetables because they stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid in your skin, and hyaluronic is, as you already know, a great ally of youth.
Nutritionists say that the best for something like this is so-called “sticky” vegetables, that is, those that contain large amounts of starch.
Such as rice, potatoes, yams, okra and many others.
However, you shouldn’t overdo it with this type of vegetable either, because starch can make you fat, and deposits that are primarily caused by starch tend to accumulate around the waist.
Excess weight, and especially excessive obesity, can contribute to the formation of wrinkles around the lips, although at first glance it does not seem related.
Excessive changes in weight are reflected in the level of fatty tissue in the skin, and thus can directly affect how much the skin will weigh.
Heavier skin also means that the ligaments that hold this area of the face will loosen earlier, and therefore wrinkles will form earlier.
Instead, the foods that make up the majority of your diet should be rich in antioxidants, as they can directly prevent the early appearance of wrinkles around the lips. The foods to turn to are, again, vegetables – but this time, those with less starch, such as broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, garlic and spinach.
In addition to vegetables, antioxidants are also found in grapes and berries, strawberries, raspberries, and practically any fruit that you know has a lot of vitamin C. Switch to whole grains – they can also be a good source of antioxidants.
Fish oil can also be a good addition to your diet, as it is rich in omega-3 fats and fatty acids that promote skin regeneration and restore collagen and elastin, thus preventing or reducing wrinkles around the lips.
Cosmetics for wrinkles around the lips
We already mentioned that sunscreen is your ally, but several other creams can be helpful.
Anything that hydrates the skin and stimulates collagen production to begin with is good for your skin.
There are several anti-wrinkle creams on the market. Some can help more, some less, all depending on what they contain.
The ingredients you are looking for are endodermal, the now widely popular coenzyme Q10, kinesin, peptides, stem cells and hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid intensely hydrates the skin and strengthens its protective layer, while peptides stimulate collagen synthesis, resulting in stronger and more resilient skin.
Regular use of such products can significantly improve the texture and elasticity of the skin, reducing the visibility of existing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones.
This is especially important for the skin around the lips, which is often exposed to numerous ageing factors.
All this sounds like serious science, but it doesn’t have to mean that you need a lot of money to find a quality cream.
There are also more economical options that offer an equally good effect, so you just need to find the solution that your skin reacts best to.
If you are the type of person who particularly likes the do-it-yourself approach, you can find various recipes on the web to make various creams yourself at home, all completely natural and from natural ingredients.
These recipes mostly rely on natural, essential oils. In addition to being an excellent addition to creams and preparations, these oils can also be used for facial massage to rejuvenate the facial skin.
An excellent candidate for something like this is grape oil, which is particularly rich in antioxidants, so it can soften wrinkles around the lips.
Natural face serums, which are perhaps the best option against wrinkles around the lips, should not be overlooked because they contain only pure active ingredients and are easily absorbed by the skin.
Cosmetic treatments that reduce wrinkles around the lips
If you are in an advanced stage and the wrinkles are already deep and pronounced, many cosmetic treatments do not have to be too invasive or too expensive, and can effectively reduce the wrinkles around the mouth.
Ironing out wrinkles around the lips
In general, we can divide the treatments into those that iron and those that fill wrinkles.
As far as ironing is concerned, we sculpt the following:
Dermabrasion and chemical peeling
Dermabrasion and chemical peeling. Both treatments focus on removing the surface layer of the skin. This allows the new, young layer of skin to grow unhindered, free from the wrinkles found on the upper layers.
However, don’t expect lighter versions of these treatments to have much effect. Chances are, you will have to undergo stronger treatments so that the effects are visible.
Don’t expect these treatments to be long-term solutions, because they’re done on the surface layers, they can’t completely remove deep wrinkles.
The goal is to soften the wrinkles, not completely fry all the layers of your skin in an attempt to completely erase them, remember that.
Facelift treatments
In addition to these, there are also facelift treatments that are slightly more aggressive. However, they have more effects and can make your skin look younger, and if done well, wrinkles can be completely removed.
However, the treatment also has its drawbacks – a facelift necessarily leaves a scar, and inevitably looks unnatural (the face may appear too tight, and facial expressions may be limited).
In this case, they struggle to remove it by surgically tightening the skin.
Laser treatments
This is why laser treatments may be a better idea. Some treatments boost collagen production and reduce wrinkles, and they can be a reasonable solution for rejuvenation.
However, some treatments can thin the skin to the point that they can cause more problems than benefits, so be well informed before you decide on such a move.
Fractora is an advanced aesthetic treatment that uses a combination of microneedles and radiofrequency to target the deeper layers of the skin. This procedure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in improved skin texture and tone.
It is effective for reducing wrinkles, including those around the lips, and for improving the overall appearance of the skin.
The Fractora treatment is popular for its ability to provide long-lasting results in rejuvenating the skin, making it smoother, firmer and healthier.
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment is an innovative approach in the fight against wrinkles around the lips.
The patient’s blood is used, from which platelet-rich plasma is extracted. This plasma is then injected into the skin, stimulating cell regeneration and renewal, leading to reduced wrinkles and improved skin texture.
PRP treatment is especially appreciated for its naturalness and ability to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
Biorevitalization is a treatment in which active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids are injected under the skin.
This treatment targets hydration, revitalization and stimulation of the skin from within, improving elasticity and reducing wrinkles, including those around the lips.
Biorevitalization is effective in restoring the freshness and youthful appearance of the skin
Filling wrinkles around the lips
In addition to these, you can opt for treatments with Botox and fillers, which can, popularly speaking, fill the skin.
Botox essentially numbs the face by paralyzing the muscles and making facial movements limited. We have already talked about how facial expressions are one of the possible causes of wrinkles around the mouth, so it is not surprising that this treatment focuses on that segment.
However, Botox is not a long-term solution either – injections only work for three to four months, and too much Botox can also have a harmful effect.
It is similar to fillers, although they are a slightly more favourable solution. They are less dangerous and invasive, have an immediate effect, and newer fillers do not even cause bruising after insertion.
However, their shelf life is limited to only a few months, and there is also the possibility of some unwanted effects, such as the appearance of lumps on the face at the place where the fillers were inserted.
They effectively fill deep wrinkles around the lips and restore a youthful appearance. For those who face deeper wrinkles around the lips, experts often recommend injection treatments containing hyaluronic acid.
These fillers not only fill wrinkles but also stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, contributing to its natural appearance and elasticity.
Such an approach can result in a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin, making it smooth and supple, and the results can be long-term.
These methods are especially effective for those who are looking for a quick and visible solution to deep wrinkles around the lips.
It would be best to ask your beautician about various treatments that focus on lip lines, as trends change every day and new methods of wrinkle relief appear every day.
Exercises to reduce wrinkles around the lips
If you are not in the mood for such solutions, we have good news for you, you can reduce wrinkles around the lips with simple facial exercises.
Such facial exercises not only reduce wrinkles around the lips but also strengthen the muscles of the face in general and thus provide better and longer support for the skin. Not to mention how these exercises improve its elasticity.
Experts most often mention exercises for tightening the face, which can be your natural facelift treatment in the long run.
By exercising, you build muscles that can replace the collagen that your skin loses with age. In this way, the skin remains fuller and more elastic but also tightened.
One of the recommended exercises is to stand in front of the mirror and practice facial expressions for an average of 15 minutes a day.
The expressions you need to pay attention to are similar to the expressions you might normally make, just a little more pronounced.
The first is to smile but to stretch the smile as wide as you can. You should keep your face in such a position for a few seconds, and then close your mouth as if you are going to blow your nose.
The more you pout, the better, and the best is when your lips touch your nose. You should also hold this position for a few seconds.
Then bring your lips back into a smile, similar to the one at the beginning, so that after a few more seconds they make an expression as if you are saying the letter O. After a few seconds, relax your face. The process should be repeated at least 20 times.
Facial massage against wrinkles around the mouth
In addition to them, you can also find tutorials on the web that teach you how to properly massage your face to reduce wrinkles around the lips.
The good thing about exercises and massages is that they are done quickly, and you can do them in the morning after washing and putting on your day cream.
This improves the blood circulation of the skin, the flow of nutrients to all its parts and its revitalization.
You can use facial massagers for a massage. There are a variety of them. Some are rolled on the face, some even have needles and make small micro-injuries on the skin to stimulate the work of collagen.
However, you can do some massages without them. And if you thought that it only had to be massaged from the outside, you are mistaken. Buccal massage is done through the mouth, so you can try it as well.
Most important of all, though, is to try to avoid stress as much as you can. In addition to accelerating the formation of wrinkles, stress is harmful to your entire body.
An unhealthy organism sooner or later is reflected on the skin, so even good genetics will not save you from stress.